Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Controls

This layout will be typical of a FPS game style game play with the RPG controls incorporated.
The reasons behide choosing such a layout is because the WASD style layout is used through PC gaming and making radical changes will confuse gamer already used to this style. And also it works plain and simiple, it feel more natural then using the arrow key(for example) to move.
The Xbox360 controller layout is also a FPS style layout, I choose to very a layout similar to whats in COD:MW for a couple of reasons. The first is that again this style layout works very well, the buttons you use most are the most accessible. Also the COD Franchise is one of the best selling game out there, millions of people play it on xbox360. Therefore millions of people are already used to this layout, making it easy for people to pick up the controller and start playing straight away. There are also the Buttons used for the power/skills, that blend easily into the FPS sytle controls.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Review

My Game Enviroment I believe worked out very well. The enviroment was meant to be a desert Oasis in the blitz of a sand storm. I came up with the game idea from watch and playing alot of SciFi theme entertainment. The desert oasis came about from watching a movie called "The Objective", in which these specials are hiking through a desert on a mission and find a desert oasis. From all this I wrote the story, thumbnailing ideas and concepts as i went. The SandStorm is was something i created to show a hostil desert enviroment.

From the thumbnail stage i started on the blueprint and asset list. Creating these helped me flesh out the level into the bricks i needed to bring it to life. The Genre and target audience was important to get sorted early on, as these would influince the game in many ways. I also added the Objectives(primary and secondary) into the blueprint.

Controls, Interface, and Gameplay mechanics was also an important stage to get down early. The way in which the game is played can have huge effects of the models and textures of the end work. The modelling then began, I started with the High Priority assets as the game had no hope of working without them, finialy finishing with the Low Priority assets. The UVW unwrapping was a long process but I completed them with only minor problems that are now sorted. Texturing was good fun, seeing all the hours apon hours of work coming togather was a great feeling.

Putting everything into Unity was the next step. I made the terrian and textured it next, adding sand dunes and mountains. I placed all the Assets in there spots according to my blueprint. The SandStorm created with the partial effects looks great ingame and dont chew too much resources. Infact the game itself doesnt chew too much for a large level, which was part too optimizing the enviroment to work on computers with lesser specs.

It came from an Idea and now its a full Unity Game Level Enviroment, the Desert Oasis being hammered by a SandStorm.


This HUD is very much what is required for the player to play the game properly. The HUD features a health bar easily recognizable by the red cross used as a symble of medicine & health around the world. The Selected weapon is also onscreen as are the amount of ammo. A compass is also onscreen to help with finding missions, weapons and ammo/health. The ActionPoints bar on the side is for specials skills/powers collected through the game.

The TitleScreen

This TitleScreen for my game, the picture choosen isn't my own but its a good representation of what i wanted. Since this story begins in space i think the TitleScreen fits it into the theme very well.

Friday, November 12, 2010

The Interaction Design

On the subject of interaction and game play I've had a brainstorm on what I want to achieve with the game play and I decided on a couple of key game play mechanics to go about making it happen.

The game is not just a normal shooter, as i want to have Leveled game play where the player gets rewarded experience to Level up his/her character with different skills and powers. Some skills will be weapon based, leveling your damage with different weapons from ranged to melee. Other skills will be power based like firing Lightning from your hands etc, every skill you chose gets stronger as your character's overall level increases. The Leveling isn't just for the good guys either, the enemies also level making them harder and more resistant too different attacks(Skills) your character has. Different enemies would have different resistances, eg. some enemies would be more resistant to bullets while others to elemental skills, this creates the risk when leveling because selecting a skill becomes critical to defend certain enemies.

Another game play mechanic which will be featured is Action Points. The way action points effect game play is great, Instead of having a set amount of "ammo" for a skill, your skill has a regeneration. When your action points equals zero you have to wait for it to recharge, the recharge wouldn't be long, as not to slow down game play reducing the intensity but not quick enough to have limitless power. The recharge would be some where in the middle, where waiting for it to recharge could result in death if you don't use them wisely. Having the action points would keep the intensity high as you can use skill more regularly, instead of using it up and having to find more "ammo".

Resource management is a game play mechanic used in most RPG. The main focus of
Resource management to collect different items, maybe amour, heal or weapons. Having this game play mechanic adds another level of customization and attack/defensive advantages/disadvantages.
Certain amour and weapons suited to a style of game play may not work very well against a certain enemy type and vise-verser. Resource management would also be affected by the leveled game play, giving better amour and stronger health pots etc.

The great thing about all the above game play mechanics is there always in effect, giving the player more control over the say of there characters skills, attributes and appearance. All of these game play mechanics have a form of risk and reward associated to it, which in-turn heightens the game experience for the player and leaves them wanting more.

The Level Design Part2

Screen Shots from Ingame

Here are My textured 3D Models ready for engine. My Aim wasto make these models with the least amount of polys possible without it lossing detail. So the game runs smoothly and flawless

The Level Design

This is my BluePrint of my Game Level

Game Objectives

Find Out What Happened (PObj1)
Locate Village (PObj2)
Defend Village (PObj3)

Find a Weapon (SObj1)
Find Survivors (SObj2)

Here is a List of My assests that will be used in the finished game.

Asset List

High Priority

Medium Priority

Low Priority

Wood Bridge


Clay Pots

Cliff face

Medium Trees


Human Spaceship

Texture List

Effects List

Audio List

Cliff Side


Flame Cracking

Sandy rock


Electric Spark


Sand Storm

Ambient (Birds & Insects)




Plant(Trees & plants)



Main Character (playable)


Physical Appearance:
Strong, muscular, Brown messy hair & unshaven (from being in 10year sleep), military uniform (commando).

Strong personality that gets him into trouble sometimes, Very well rounded (Very Skilled at weapons & combat, average spaceship pilot & engineer.)

Support Character (NPC)


Physical Appearance:
Sexy, Strong but not muscular, Long red- brown hair, military uniform (medic)

Strong but sensitive personality, witty, Master Medic – Basic military training

Support Character (NPC)


Physical Appearance:
Old but still fit, not overly muscular, shaved head with goatee, Military uniform (General)

Split personality (from being deserted for 10years), one a Strong military general and leader, the other an explosive psychopath, Master at weapons & combat.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Delivery Platform

The Game will be made primarily focusing on PC, but a Xbox360 and PS3 port would be a great idea for extra revenue.

The Game Genre

I would classify the game as a First Person Shooter, with the element of Role Playing Game, similar in style to Fallout3 and Borderlands. I chose FPS because of the level of immersion you get looking out from the character’s eyes, seeing what he seeing. I also chose to go down the RPG road because it suits the gameplay I was going for, levelling up your character the way you want too. Having the RPG element lets the player decide how he/she wants to play the game.

The Target Audience

The target audience for the game is young adults and adults from age 15 up. The mature themes in the game such as violence, and foul language make it unsuitable for young children.